Happy Mothers Day Universe!!
Mother Earth,
Mother Nature,
Mothers everywhere,
Every Women/Mother on this Planet in this wonderful Universe of ours,
this is post is for YOU.
We all CAME from you,
We all GREW inside of you. We all LIVED with you till the day our physical bodies RETURNED to you.
THANK YOU for nurturing us through the tests of time. THANK YOU for protecting us from the vacuum of space.
THANK YOU for providing us with pure unimaginable beauty on a daily basis, for all this I LOVE YOU. THANK YOU for giving me LIFE. THANK YOU for allowing me this opportunity to be here with you in this very moment, alive, healthy and awake, with the ability to spread peace & happiness to the world, for ALL of this I LOVE YOU and are ETERNALLY GRATEFUL for the blessings you have bestowed upon me.
I will protect you like you have protected me. I will shower you with love you like you have washed away all sorrow.
Beauty is on the horizon, yet it lays inside of us as well.
Lets continue to shine throughout the cosmos.
Together always, with love in our hearts, anything is possible.
To bring a smile upon your face and warmth in your heart is my duty,
and I do so graciously as a humble servant.
Thank you again for the Gift of You.

To infinity and beyond.. #oneLove